EMPRESS ENERGY! Sharing my scars with my Royal Jewles brings healing to my soul! From My heart to yours...

This weekend was blissful! There's nothing like taking a drive by yourself and letting the window down on a beautiful sunny day to feel the fresh air of God. I wanted a quiet weekend to reflect and laugh. I love to laugh, I laugh at myself all the time. Try it! I took my drive put on my Andrea Bocelli and let it rip. It's amazing how you can find so much joy in the simple things. Thing's others take for granted nor the time to appreciate.
These are a few of the thoughts that came through my mind during my drive.
Recognizing Jesus through my scars! Life trials can sometimes way you down and try to destroy the gift. You are the gift! I now know it was all a journey. A journey to explore my heart and soul. My scars tell a story. My tears bled much pain but now excitement. I've recognized Jesus through my scars. John 20:20 says, After he said this; he showed them his hands and side. the disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. The disciples did not recognize Jesus after HIS resurrection until they saw his scars. Only once he showed them his hands and side were they able to believe THIS IS THE MESSIAH! I have taken this in all weekend and come to this. When men and women who have experienced the healing of past wounds and damaged hearts are not ashamed to show their scars to a hurting world. Then will all be free from hurt, pain and sorrow. In our conquering and triumphing we must help the dying soul LIVE! Jesus did not have to retain the scars of the crucifixion on HIS resurrected body. He could have returned without them. After all, He is the one who put new flesh on the hands and feet of lepers. But he chose to keep the scars, I believe, because they were precious to Him...that's how others would recognize who He was. Don't be ashamed of your scars. Their is so much POWER to our own personal stories and how the scars of our past our beautiful treasures. Jehovah Rapha, The God Who heals, places His hands on the gaping wounds of our hearts and transforms the wounds into beautiful scars. Healing... is what He does. Telling others about His healing POWER in our lives...it's what He longs for us to do. That's how others will recognize The Son of God through our scars. I love you today and forever more!
Empress Carolyn*