I have been away for too long. Please forgive me Empresses for my absence. As my closest sisters may know, when I'm away for a few days I'm off in meditation. It's important to have some time to yourself and take all of your cares and concerns to God. I MUST PRAY about all things and TRUST HIM to take care of everything. Not only do I pray for myself but I also intercede for you too Empresses and my Jewels.
Remember this is the year of refreshing, reviving and renewing! A year of new beginnings for us all. We must keep our minds, hearts and spirits clear to hear God's directions and instructions clearly for production.
So I leave you with this today.... Take the time to pray. Meditate for a few minutes a day, start with 10-min. In those 10-minutes close your eyes and envision a life with possibilities. See everything you desire for your life to be right now. If your sick see yourself healed and running around care free, if your broke see yourself wealthy, what ever the case may be. See yourself with what ever your heart desires. Believe that you've already received! BELIEVE!
I love you!
Empress Carolyn*