The Price was Paid for You and I!

Have you ever thought of the Lord as a Warrior? The Bible says, "The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is His name" (Exodus 15:3). God therefore has a plan for His people. We can count on Him to teach us how to war if we are willing to learn. God is raising up warriors to go into cities and nations to pray against prevailing prinicpalities and powers. We must realize that our war is against satan and his attacks. We must fight the fight of faith according to the word of God and what it says towards every situation in our lives. Find out what the word says about every matter!
What is it that you need from the Lord? Are you ill in your body? Your mind? Your finances? Your husband? Is it your children? Well, what does God's word say? Look it up! Now FIGHT satan with the WORD! WAR! WAR! WAR! This is just a few things to do.
1. Locate the enemy (know that the enemy is satan, he comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Are you hearing negative words? Are you feeling depressed? Locate the enemy)!
2. Know the will of God (search out the word on His will, what does God say about the matter what ever it may be it's in the word of God).
3. Learn to WAR (what ever it may be you do not have to take it! Open up your mouth and pray God's word on the situation)!
4. You must declare WAR!
Now lsiten, you can sit back if you want to and have a pitty party and cry yourself to sleep every night or you can pull it together. The choice is yours. Key word: CHOICE! Choose to live and not die. Choose to press forward and not give up. Choose to take back your children and not allow the enemy to take them out. Choose to declare healing over your mind and body and not be sick. BELIEVE!
When I start to feel really weighed down guess what, I locate the enemy. I find out who, what, when and why? Then I get my word, read it aloud, confess, decalre and decree. It's up to me to snap the enemies neck and take my rights back! Hey, you better know who you are in the lord and what rightfully belongs to you sweeties. THE PRICE WAS PAID IN FULL! IT"S OURS FOR THE KEEPS!
If your dealing with illness let me give you an example of what my God says about the situation. God says...
1. I am the Lord that healeth thee, I am the Lord your healer (EX. 15: 26).
2. Your days shall be one hundred and twenty years (Gen. 6:3).
3. Thou shalt be buried in a good old age (Gen. 15:15).
4. Thou shalt come to thy grave in full age like as a shock of corn cometh in his season (Job 5:26).
5. When I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you (Ex. 12:13).
6. I will take sickness away from the midst of you..and the number of your days I will fulfill (Ex. 23:25-26).
7.Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken...All came to pass (Josh. 21:45).
Now that's in the Old Testament.
Let's look at the New Testament...
1.I will, be thou clean (Mt. 8:3).
2. I took your infirmities (Mt. (8:17).
3. I bore your sickness (Mt. 8:17).
4. If you are sick, you need a physician. I am the Lord your physician (Mt. 9:12).
5. I will come and heal him (Mt. 8:7).
6. I am moved with compassion toward the sick and I heal them (Mt. 14: 14).
7. I heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease (Mt.4:23).
Now look at there the Lord healed in the Old Testament and the New Testament which means what? HE STILL HEALS TODAY! YES! You see it's very important to get into the word for yourself and see what does God say abouth the matter because the enemy will try to deter you. He will use people to do so or anything he can. Search the word of God and find what He not only said but what He did. You will truly be blessed! As I close out I will leave you with a few examples of what my Lord did about the matter of healing sickness. God Bless and may you war today!
The healing of a man with the unclean spirit: Mk. 1:23; Lk. 4:33.
The healing of Peter's mother-in-law: Mt. 8:14; Mk. 1:30; Lk. 4:38.
The healing of multitudes: Mt. 8:16; Mk. 1:32; Lk. 4:40; Mt. 12:15; Mk. 3:10; Mt 14:34;
Mk. 6:55; Mt. 4:23; Lk. 6: 17; Mt. 9:35; Mt. 11:4; Lk. 7:21; Mt. 14:14; Lk. 9:11; Jn. 6:2;
Mt. 15:30; Mt. 19:2.
The healing of the leper: Mt. 8:2; Mk. 1:40; Lk. 5:12.
The healing of the woman with the issue of blood: Mt. 9:20; Mk. 5:25; Lk. 8:43.
The healingof the blind man: Mk. 8:22.
The healing of the woman bound by satan: Lk. 13:10