A Gem to meditate on!

Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled. Hebrews 12:15

Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look (after one another), to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God's grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it. Hebrews 12:15 Amplified Bible

When you find yourself constantly saying something derogatory about someone else, pay attention to what's happening! What you're saying about that person is a tell-tale sign that some bad seed is trying to take root in your heart.
Hebrews 12:15 tells us how to recognize bad seed when it begins to produce destructive fruit in our lives. it says, "...lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you..." The words "springing up" are from the Greek word phuoo. This word depicts a little plant that is just starting to sprout and grow. It isn't a large plant yet; rather, it's a small seedling that is just breaking through the soil and starting to peek out at the world. However, the very fact that it's peeking through the soil means there is a seed hidden in the soil producing this new life. What does all mean you might ask? It means that this is a very significant picture. It tells me that bitterness doesn't overwhelm us all at once. Instead, it grows a little here and a little there until it finally becomes a huge, ugly growth that defiles our entire lives. Now who would really want that? Bitterness usually starts peeking up out of the depths of our souls in the form of negative thoughts about another person or a sour, sharp, distrusting, cynical attitude toward someone who has offended us. If the root is not quickly uprooted and removed, that bitterness will eventually become a full-blown tree that produces bitter, wounding, hurtful, and scornful fruit for everyone who eats of it.
I've personally experienced this. I have had a root of bitterness so deep that it almost destroyed me. It walked with me daily harassing me, not wanting to let me go. I was constantly reminded of who hurt me, how they hurt me and how I didn't deserve to be treated that way. As I began to mature spiritually and once I committed myself to reading my word daily. I start noticing what was going on. God revealed to me the bad seeds that were planted to destroy my peace, keeping me upset and emotionally torn up all the time. Once those things were revealed I began to repent of my wrong actions and thoughts toward those that hurt me. I now had the power through the Holy Spirit to renounce those bad seeds and confess the word of God over myself. I began to confess Gods word concerning his freedom and peace of mind and commanding every file spirit to leave me in the name of Jesus!
The POWER of GOD is awesome and it has no respect of person. You can be free too. Are you willing to let go and allow God to be God in your life. God is ready to grab hold of those roots of bitterness and pull them out of your life. All he needs is the invitation, so why don't you go ahead and ask Him to assist you right now?

Let this be your prayer for today!

Lord, I ask You to please forgive me for allowing negative thoughts about others to consume me. Even though I don't like what they did or said to me, I have no right to be bitter and resentful. I realize now that I am acting just as ugly inwardly as they are acting outwardly. In Your eyes, my sin is just as bad as theirs. I am truly sorry for allowing these attitudes to grow inside me, Lord. To the very best of my ability, I turn right now from the wrong thoughts that have been consuming me, and I choose instead to speak well of those who have offended or hurt me. Holy Spirit, help me uproot those wrong feelings from my heart and replace them with love and forgiveness. I pray this in Jesus name!

