The Honey Conference Coming October 11-13, 2007.

Ladies get ready for the Honey Conference coming to Cathedral of Praise Assembly of God on 8200 Macon RD. Cordova, TN. The conference will be hosted by Pastor Darlene McCarty (affectionately known by me as the bee-incredible woman). She and her husband Pastor Cathedral of Praise. Pastor Darlene is also the author of a book entitled "1 minute of praise".

There will be incredible speakers and awesome worship. Ce-Ce Winans, Judy Jacobs, Darlene Bishop, Dr. Yvonne Capehart, and Pastor Darlene McCarty herself. For more information concerning the conference date, registration and so much more you can visit Pastor Darlene's website at Her book can also be found at Family Christian bookstores. God Bless!

