Fill My Cup Lord, I lift it up Lord, Come & quench this thirsting in my soul. Fill me till I want no more!

I searched near and far to find a love that would love me like no other, a love that would be his best and treat me like the queen I knew I was on the inside. But after searching and searching I found not one to compare to the comforting and amazing love of God. It would take much agony and shed tears, mistakes as well as heart breaks but I finally found him.
The thing is Empresses he was right there all along, just waiting for me to run back into his everlasting arms.
I can remember the day like it was yesterday when he spoke the words Fill My Cup to my spirit. I was sitting in the living room looking out onto the patio when tears ran uncontrollably down my face. Here I was left feeling in such despair after the accident. Not knowing exactly what was to take place in my life next, wondering would I finally wake up out of this horrible dream. It had to be a dream because I didn't even feel like I was living. It felt like an outer body experience. Unreal! I could never grip the idea of this being my reality. I couldn't. The lump that arose in my chest. The pain that gripped my heart was unbearable. I've never felt pain like that before and fortunately for me I haven't since. The words Fill My Cup Lord played repeatedly in my head and those were the only words that would come out of my mouth. As I sat in there in a daze, I mumbled those words until the horrific pain left me.
Empresses that was the day Fill My Cup was born. It was birthed through my pain. It was spiritual labor. I was giving birth to the vision and call God has placed on the inside of me. I went full force from that day on beginning with a hot line for women of all ages to call and cry out for help and share their stories with me. By the guidance of God I would speak directly from my spirit and people would get off my phone empowered, encouraged and alive! I say alive because there were many of times I received calls from some one on the brink of committing suicide or felt spritually dead. People were so bombarded with their hurt, stress, sickness, and feelings emptiness. God used me to direct those women right back into his arms. Oh, the arms of the Lord! So amazing Empresses....
After time had passed God led me to began Empowerment moves. He would tell me who have as the guest speaker, do the worship and even to anoint the room with myrrh. I was obedient in every detail. The empowerment moves were incredible. God was drawing the women back unto him and healing the hearts and minds of the women.
Well I got off track and started doing what I wanted to do. I allowed the enemy to sneak that old spirit of unworthiness back into my life. Not feeling good enough to be chosen by God. I was being reminded of my past mistakes and feeling really confused and discouraged. I eventually got away from the empowerment moves and forsook what God called me to do.
THAT'S THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO! What ever you do Empresses DO NOT DISOBEY GOD! I struggled for a long time with my purpose. I fell back into this searching game but this time it wasn't about a man. It was Lord, what am I supposed to do for you? This went on for a long time. I was going back and forth over the same things and coming up with new ideas every week. Though all of my ideas continued to fall in line with each other (that was God telling me then to pull it back in to him) I still struggled with what's next.
You talk about foolish! Empresses I was foolish beyond foolish. God wasn't concerned about my many ideas and plans. He was only concerned with my PURPOSE! The purpose HE placed on the inside. It was time for me to get back on track shut out the voice of the enemy and study everything I could regarding Gods purpose. In doing so I have found myself right back where I belonged. The hearts, minds and soul of girls and women all over this world. I believe I becacme afraid becasue I had gone so long in my life shutting people put and being afraid to open myself up to anyone. I didn't want to let my guard down becasue of past hurt. REMEMBER I said the enemy knew waht to use to distract me and make me have self doubt. When I got back into my my word those lies began to be torn back down. That's why God instructs us to never cease from praying and keeping our eyes upon the word. The word of God is our sword. It's our weapon against the enemy because it's filled with the truth of what God says about you and his promises for your life. The promise to make us the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.
So I will leave you with this today Empresses. Your passion will lead you into your purpose. Don't forsake the call. What ever God has chosen you to do in this life rather it's the ministry, business, shelter, etc. PLEASE be OBEDIENT! PLEASE! You will ultimately miserable and confused if you don't. You will find yourself going in circles or giving up. Never give up! Just get back to God and his will, his way, and His purpose for you.
I love you greatly I do.
Remember for all the hurt you've gone through it was never for you alone. It was for the healing, restoration of someone else and the glorification of God....
Question? What is your passion? What will you do for free? What do you believe your purposed to accomplish?
Thank the Lord for his compassion, his mercy and grace because he will only let his children stay away for so long before he began to stir us up and draw us right back to him. Then will we walk into our divine purpose. Only then!