Greetings Empresses!
The Empress is BACK! I'm READY, WILLING and ROARING!
Today I have to talk about DREAM SNATCHERS.
As I sat and thought about blogging on this today. Joseph came to my mind. I remembered Joseph's dreams and the anointing that was upon Joseph's life. Oh yes! "The dream" and "The Joseph anointing!"
Joseph had to go through many trials and hardship because of the dreams God had given him and the anointing that God placed on his life. The cost of being exalted by God.
Betrayed by his own brothers, because of their jealousy of Joseph's dreams and his coat of many colors. Joseph's coat of many colors that his father made him, surely set off his brothers, as he was favored more.
As his brothers stripped his coat off of his back, they stripped off all his dignity, self respect, self worth, left him with nothing, and not sure he would ever arise to become the man God created him to be in destiny and purpose.
Maybe you've been stripped of your coat. Maybe you feel your dreams have been robbed at the hands of a dream snatcher, a jealous thief trying to snatch the anointing that God didn't give them. Well Empresses, Whereas you've been forsaken and hated, so that no one went through you, I will make you an eternal excellence, a joy of many generations. Say's the Lord!
Is 60: 15-16. God will restore what the dream snatcher tried to unrightfully steal!
Though Joseph had been mocked of his dreams, stripped of everything, thrown into a dark pit, sold into slavery and considered as nothing but a mere servant, or less than the king he saw in his dreams. He still carried the anointing God placed upon his life and nothing could destroy what God had predestined. Joseph was shown favor in the eye of the King and became the top man in charge of the palace. Joseph in the end, had an anointing for forgiveness and the provision for his brothers! Joseph was able to provide for a whole nation!
Empresses never forget what God has placed on the inside of you! Your dream snatcher is only your alarm clock awakening what has been buried inside for much too long. Tick tock, tick tock. Wake up Empresses! God is releasing his favor upon you like never before. He's providing you with all the necessary things you need to go forward and release the stint of the sting from anyone who has crossed you or tried to steal your God given gift. God gave it to you!
THOSE WHO AFFLICTED YOU WILL BOW DOWN BEFORE YOU! "Also the sons of those who afflicted you, shall come bowing to you, and all those who despised you shall fall prostrate at the soles of our feet." Is 60:14. You may have to help the person who hurt you.
Remember Empresses although Joseph was exalted up into authority, he still had to forgive his brothers for betrayal. Many times Joseph wept over his brothers and the way they treated him. The anger and abandonment he must of felt from them. Yet he still had to forgive them and accept them back. So I encourage you to keep a heart of forgiveness and allow God to take care of the rest. Don't focus on the dream snatchers, focus on THE DREAM! It's your ALARM CLOCK!! TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK!
I love you,
Empress Carolyn
Favor isn't fair anyway! If God didn't give it to them it won't work! HA-HA!