Greetings My beautiful Empresses,
It is a pleasure to be back on the blog to enlighten your hearts and minds in every possible way.
I pray that you are all in the best of health, mind and spirit today and forever more. Here's a Power Gem to ponder....
Your Mind Can SHATTER your LIMITS!
Yes, I said your mind can shatter your limits!
You have a choice. You can be confident or unconfident, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak.
All these things start with you and what you tell yourself about what you can or cannot do.
Your mind is where you define your limits. If your inner thoughts are self-defeating, you will become what they tell you. If your thoughts are empowering, positive and upbeat, you will become that woman . It is called self fulfilling prophecy. Prophesying words of life into your own future!
Empresses, impress upon your mind what you want to be, not what you don't want to be.
That is where the true power of self suggestion lies.
Empress Carolyn
Today you have the power to cancel every negative word that was spoken over your life. Every negative thought you've had about yourself. You are the jewel God created you to be! You are a sparkle in the Fathers eye. Your life shall flourish and go to the heights! Believe me Empresses I know. I have canceled every negative word, thought or deed that has been said or done to me. I awake removing hindrances and blocks. I stay away from all negative energy and surround myself with diamonds.
Remember to keep diamonds in the front row of your life....