Gathering Gods Gems!

Yes, it's me. Carolyn D. Your loving Empress. I placed a picture of loose gems gathering to demonstrate what God is wanting for the lives of his women. So many times I see on television where women are ripping each other apart, dogging out one another and worse. This mess needs to stop! I know we have all gone through our moments with a best friends betrayal, gossipping, man snatching, knife stabbing, etc but at some point you have to say enough is enough. When will we want the best for each other and support with love from a pure heart? I know the answer, I wanted to see if you knew. lol!
I have found that it takes a heart transplant. YES! For a heart to be totally renewed. From out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks. Have you heard that before? Well a wise man by the name of God said it. You can only want the best, wish the best and speak the blessings over a person when your heart is in the right place and the right place is healed by God. Look into the heart of a person who speaks negatively over your life the next time you hear they have said something about you and I guarantee you, you will find pain. Hurt people hurt other people. With all of the hurt you will also have jealousy, envy and other stuff but the root is pain. So before we lash back, take a step back and a deep breath and look inside.
We've all been there at some time in our lives. Healing is the remedy and love is the prescription. So Empresses I leave you with this today. LOVE THE HELL OUT OF YOUR ENEMIES! LOL!
I love you much,
Carolyn D.
Live, Laugh and Love like you've never hurt before.