Often I'm asked about having Empress Energy. Just tonight a young lady asked me how did I become so confidant and strong? Well, I must first tell you this. The fact that I'm alive and so full of life comes by the POWER OF GOD! I am absolutely nothing without HIM. These past nine years has been nothing more but a face on with myself. Learning the true essence of my being and ability to PUSH THROUGH THE BAD, THE UGLY and THE HORRIBLE!
I've discovered with God the depths of having Queen power. With being a Queen I've become a mature woman which has conquered the challenges in life and claimed my Royal Power that was given to me through the shed blood of Jesus Christ! I've cut through the fear and ambivalence, took charge of my life and established myself as The Empress. I've struggled through transformation and achieved. Yes my proud potency is palable, my authenticity uncontested. My life now takes on a new ease, a grace, a certain lightness of being born a daughter of the King who is knowing, respecting, directing and who self-projects passion and purpose. I keep my center, come what may!
Something remarkable takes place once the Empress has stepped into her sovereignty. Now that my situations and systems have been established by God, my life is now working in order and running more smoothly, the Empress can afford to enlarge her territory and expand the horizons of my interest, influence and extend the parameters of my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual domain. Now that I've been firmly rooted in being who I was created to be, I can offer compassion, expertise, time, funds and more to people and causes that call to my sense of responsibility.
Do you know what maturity brings? It brings with it the understanding that everything is not about us, that the world does not evolve around our personal story. Others are hurting too, if not worse. Life and living has shown the Empress the value of love, unity, empathy, cooperation, concern, care, community and communion. The Empress speaks words of life and empowerment to encourage and create. Mere foolish talk has no place in her speech. She gains nothing from the demise of others. She desires the best for all including her enemies.
I have learned to change, always change for the greater. I am constantly becoming ever more of Whom I truly am: The em dash, my highest self, the Extreme Royal Highness, The Heiress of the King, The Empress! That's me...
Carolyn D. Johnson